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Voter Information


Primary Voting deadline

August 6th, 2024 8 PM

Update voter registration

Other ways to Register besides online


Drop Box, voting station near you

Find a location near you


Top two Primary

FAQ: top two primary Wa State


Who can register to vote?

Qualifications to vote in Wa


Additional information

if you are unhoused (AKA homeless) in Washington state you can still register to vote, for the Address you can list the city and zip code and put General Delivery for the street address. This way you can pick up your ballot from the USPS office connected to the city and zip code provided, you will need to show ID. You will also be asked to write a general area where you spend your time ex: heritage park, near 4th ave

If you are under 18, you can register as a Future voter to be automatically enrolled when you turn 18  

In Washington state you can register to vote and vote the same day, go to the find a location near you link and find out where you can register and vote same day in person. 

In Washington state on Election Day you can vote until 8 PM in person or drop off the ballot at a drop box, DO NOT PLACE BALLOTS IN TRADITIONAL MAIL as they are not guaranteed to be picked up by the election time. 
If you are  prevented from voting, intimidated, or restricted from accessing a voting station until 8PM Election Day  Click here to be directed to the PDC report violation form


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